Saturday, 26 December 2009

Why Bankers Don't Deserve Bonuses!

If you have been living in a hole for the past year then you may be forgiven for thinking that the credit crunch is a new type of biscuit. However, this credit crunch has hit us all in one way or another and has seen the biggest worldwide recession for many years.

So just who is responsible for this one; who is responsible for creating so much national and international debt? Some would say it hit us as far back as 2007 but statistics show that it was more likely to be early 2008. And the bankers are being blamed – yes, the very people who receive millions each year in extortionate bonuses whilst the rest of us suffer through an economic downturn.

Despite the recession, top level bankers have continued to receive millions of pounds in bonuses over the past year. Now most of us get a bonus at work if the company performs well or if we perform well. Banks and bankers have done neither and yet they have still been allowed to cream off ludicrous amounts of money and take it as a god-given right to an incentive just because of the position they hold; something that does not sit well with the rest of the world when they consider the banks responsible in the first place for the start of the recession.

Some would argue that the bankers, who made irresponsible decisions over public borrowing, caused the collapse of the economy and should be subject to the same reviews as anyone else in their own jobs. If they underperform, they get axed; simple as that. Lending more money that is actually viable to do so, and causing the onset of more and more home repossessions, leaving people stranded and financially hard-up is hardly a responsible way to conduct any business.

The Governments in the US and the UK are now clamping down on the bankers’ bonuses and making it clear that they do not support huge incentives for people who are not capable of doing their jobs properly. Some politicians are obviously more in favour of this than others but it is a step in the right direction.

Those at the top in the banking industry are, in effect, taking risks with other people’s money and they have proved that they can get it very badly wrong! And who suffers? Well it’s not them by the sound of things. If we, the public, are to suffer, then why should a banker at the top of his ivory tower receive such a large payout? What gives them the right to suggest that they are worthy of this money?

There has been a suggestion that the representatives of the banks should decide on who gets a bonus at the banks. So this could mean the general public also getting a say. Power to the people and all that! There has also been talk of paying back some of last year’s bonuses which won’t go down too well with Mr HBOS.

Hey, if the top guys and gals at the banks have consciences and morals, then maybe they’ll give back that money and spread it around the rest of us. Or maybe we’ll just have to wait until the recession is over and count our blessings that we made it.

Copyright © Peter Moore 2009 - Co-Founder -

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