Saturday 5 December 2009

Why Web Designers Are Switching to Website Builders!

Making a lasting impression on the internet is becoming more and more challenging because of the increasing number of websites out there. Website designers and marketers need all the time and money they can spare to concentrate on generating sales and income quickly and so more and more of them are switching over to website builders and creators.

Website builders are the perfect solution for creating big-impression websites and landing pages because they allow you to have an online presence literally within moments, depending on the package.

Rather than being restrictive, web creators are evolving to become more and more feature-rich and are the perfect way to build fantastic, professional looking sites with less hassle.

Some of the benefits

You are using pre-loaded templates which you can then enhance in your own time, saving you a great deal of the thought process but, very importantly, still allowing you the freedom to personalise them to your customer’s liking. With a website builder package, you will have access to technical support around the clock. The number of included add-ons available from these packages is growing every day and they can make your websites look more attractive whilst easier for your customers to use – let’s face it, the customer just wants something that looks great and is hassle-free.

Because they are web-based packages, you can access your websites from anywhere around the world as long as you are online. Web builders also give your customers access to statistical information which means that they can keep in touch with how well their business is performing and use the information to target niche markets. You can now also get full HTML access but with automated search engine optimisation (SEO) built in; again saving you time and effort. You can easily upload and store your own written documents, images and content to web builders with large amounts of storage space.

The alternatives

The alternatives to web builders, such as Dreamweaver, can be ridiculously expensive, time consuming and mean that you are tied in to one particular package when designing a web for your customer. What happens when that package is superseded by a better product and you have to re-train to familiarise yourself all over again? They take up enormous amounts of your time and can be rather frustrating to say the least.

Leave yourself with more time to make more money!

Website creators are, therefore, the most affordable, trouble-free method of getting online, promoting businesses and still allow you the freedom to be who you want to be and put your own personal stamp on them. You will be able to generate far more websites for your customers in a shorter space of time with increased levels of success, meaning that you can deliver a consistently high-standard of work and generate more income for yourself.

It’s all about becoming more and more efficient in a shorter space of time to stay ahead of the game. Once you have found and used a website creator, you will wonder what you did without one and find new ways to spend your time making even more money!

Copyright © Peter Moore 2009 - Co-Founder of

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