Saturday 5 December 2009

How to promote your business on Facebook

Facebook, Myspace, Myface, Spacebook – you may well be forgiven for being a little confused! But Facebook can help to promote your business if you let it into your life...

Facebook is not just another web-based site on which children can send meaningless messages to one another and practice the art of bad grammar and spelling without their parents watching. If used cleverly, Facebook can be a useful tool for businesses and can allow business owners the chance to network with others.

You surely do not need to be told what Facebook is but, for those who have been living in a cave for the past ten years, Facebook is a social networking site which allows individuals and businesses to set up their own page and find friends, leave messages, post pictures and communicate with others in real time. It’s free to set up and you can use it from anywhere in the world where you have access to the internet.

So, you can create your own page in minutes and start inviting people who you know to become a fan of your page. You could set up a group in your own company name and allow people to join the group. In turn, they can then invite everyone they know and so it snowballs. What you can then do is add features to your page with regular posts and updates just to keep everyone informed. It’s all possible within a few moments and it really is very simple.

Facebook also allows you the option to pay for advertising on its site. You can do this as a one off advert and payment or you can use pay per click options which means that you pay as and when someone clicks on your advert through to your website.

The beauty of social networking sites is that you can now link them all by pointing from one to another. So, you may want to point your Twitter account to your Facebook account and to your LinkedIn account, and so on. One way or another, you are quite simply encouraging visits to your own website and making it easier to be found. You are constantly promoting your business and hopefully picking up referrals along the way. It only takes one person to see your advert or page, use you and tell their friends about you, and the possibilities are endless. Facebook is used by millions of people all over the world and so imagine the potential reach to your audience!

In essence, you are using Facebook as a search engine optimisation technique which then drives traffic to your website. You are creating a whole network of online places from which your business can be searched for and found. It’s all about having a presence and increasing brand recognition to the point where people say “ah yes Joe Bloggs, I know him”.

If you want to get down with the kids and chat with your friends at the same time as being a successful business, then Facebook has it all and you might just actually start to enjoy it!

Copyright © Peter Moore 2009 - Co-Founder of

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